Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I have seen the light

Posted by Fio.

To be honest, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that I need to change my diet. One glance in the mirror will do!

I did a Google search for "diet", and got 160 000 000 hits! So I did a search for "hunger", and got 33 900 000 hits. See the irony?

I started thinking about all this talk about a possible rice shortage. How much rice do we actually eat? In 2007 I probably bought a pound or two of rice, and half of it is still in my pantry. Why? Because I don't eat that much rice. People who eat much rice, are usually thin (- and I don't care what the famous low carb dieters say. Look to Japan and countries where people eat a lot of rice. Do they look fat to you?)

Like most people in this part of the world, I prefer pasta, white bread and - you probably guessed it already - ice cream. It's a diet for disaster. Don't get me wrong, I don't want everyone running to the store and buy the last bag of rice. It's not that I think I need to eat a lot of rice. I just need to eat less refined carbohydrats. I tried whole wheat pasta once but it was horrible. It could have been the cook, but it's not something I care to try again in the near future. So in these times of rice shortage, I was thinking "bulgur". Bulgur is good for you, right?

According to Wikipedia, bulgur contains more nutritients than rice. It's made from durum wheat, and is a key ingredient in many dishes from The Mediterranean, Turkish, Indian and The Middle Eastern kitchen. I love food from these countries, and I'm willing to give it a shot. (Heck, I'm desperate to loose weight. I'll try anything!)

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