Friday, November 14, 2008

Day 3

The head ache is gone!
Today has been better. I haven't been hungry all day. I had a banana for breakfast, then I had an apple, and another banana and a sharon fruit for lunch. I made myself a green leaf salad with tomatoes in the afternoon, and after that I ate three clementines.

I went out for pizza for dinner today. Pizza is a Friday staple in this house hold.
Yesterday I ordered fried rice with vegetables from a Chinese restaurants that uses fresh vegetables instead of frozen, for dinner. It filled me up enough so I didn't get hungry for the rest of the night.

I haven't been as good tonight. I've had three sips of Coca cola, 10-15 pringles and a couple of jelly beans. I'm going to find some grapes now so I don't get tempted to eat any more unhealthy sweets tonight.

Also, I had lost another 1/4 pound this morning. Not much to brag about, but as I've said earlier - it's the small steps!

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