Thursday, May 29, 2008

I held my fort all through a hotel weekend

Posted by Fio.

I'm really proud of myself!
I spent last weekend at a hotel in Denmark, and as most people who have visited Denmark knows, the food there is AWESOME!

I usually have a hard time dieting when I'm gone for a weekend, especially when I stay somewhere where the food is great. This time, I decided to pack my sneakers, my yoga pants and a fleece jacket. It might sound gross to some, but I decided to use the sweather from the day before to walk up a sweat in. As people who have travelled knows, the more you bring, the less space you have for shopping, and I was destined to shop!

I started each day with a glass of apple juice, then I went for a long walk (more than an hour.)
The interesting thing is, I actually got to see more of the place this way. Details I would never have noticed if I wasn't walking on my feet.

After my walk, I showered and went out for lunch.
It felt so good to be able to eat without feeling guilty. I also believe that I watched my portions more this time because of my recent walk. My body felt lighter and when I got back home, I hadn't gained so much as an ounce!

From now on, I'll bring my sneakers wherever I travel, because I love to be able to eat without worrying about my weight, and that is especially important when you are in a place where the food is to die for.

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