Thursday, May 8, 2008

When Life Happens

posted by Pasta

Oh Fio, I'm so sorry to hear you had such an awful experience! That must have been terrifying. I'm sending you lots of healing vibes. :-)

I'm going to take this opportunity to say your week and mine are good examples of why people go fof diets. This kind of thing throws off your equilibrium and blood sugar.

My week could be called "adjustments for steroids." I took steroids to control inflammation and they made my stomach so upset I ate constantly to calm it down. To make matters worse, once they really kicked in, I couldn't STOP eating.

My biggest achievement with all this is that I didn't gain weight. That feels like a lot.

After weeks like this Fio, I feel like the best we can do is regroup and start over.

Wishing you health and healing

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